inkl. mva. ekskl.frakt
NOK 0,00
mva. NOK 0,00
Fiskemedesin Sera Professional Nematol for pålitelig og skånsom fjerning av parasittiske rundorm (nematoder) hos ferskvann og saltvanns fisker. Nematoder som Camallanus sp., Capillaria sp. og diskus pinworms (Oxyuris sp.), kan bli et alvorlig problem som ofte forblir ubemerket i lang tid, spesielt i akvarier med ferskvann. Cichlider blir spesielt hyppig infisert. Virvelløse dyr som reker og kreps tåler ikke behandlingen. 10ml til 400l vann
A sensational R & D success: sera med Professional Nematol is the first ornamental fish treatment against Nematodes that may be sold freely. It is based on a patented Emamectin/solvent complex, highly effective and easy to dose. sera med Professional Nematol is particularly effective against Camallanus and round worms of the genus Capillaria, which mainly occur in angelfish and discus. It can also be optimally used against pinworms (Oxyurida), dreaded by discus keepers. At the same time it combats the small copepods that Camallanus uses as intermediate hosts. Result: A well tolerated and highly effective ornamental fish treatment that can be sold freely is now available for the first time! It is a liquid and therefore can be dosed easily and precisely.